So, husband and I were making the shopping list the other day. We were assessing the household battery needs and I went to check on what type of batteries my little boombox took. But as it turns out, there were functioning batteries in there already. Because I believed there were none, I had been making choices based on that belief, like I couldn't listen to music in the garden while I worked. Honestly I've been trying all sorts of other ways to listen to the radio while I worked in the garden, and nothing else worked, so I thought "OK, I'm going to spend the money and just get the batteries." My belief had shaped and limited my actions and options. But taking the time to look changed everything!
Doing EFT is like going and looking, with a really good flashlight. I've sat with clients many times and heard them say,"oh, that's all worked out." But as we sit with the memory a bit the realization comes that its not so neutral a memory after all. Sometimes there is just a little bit of emotional intensity left, sometimes a surprisingly large amount. Sometimes it can act as a springboard to a related memory that needs to be worked out to truly clear the stuck emotional energy. ( See the last blog entry about breadcrumbs.)
What may be your subconscious beliefs? 'I'm not good enough,' 'I'm too old to do that,' 'I'm too young to do that,' 'I don't have anything important to say,' 'Nothing ever works for me,' 'Everything I do works out for the best,' 'I'm divinely guided in all my actions,' 'money and resources flow easily into my life.' Did any of those resonate for you?
So go ahead, shine a light, and maybe what you find can be easily transformed. Maybe when you look, you'll quickly realize it was just a false belief. Maybe it's not the big scary overpowering thing you feared, and if it is, you can take along a guide to help you tackle it. It's just energy after all. Then you truly will have new options available. Many of the ideas and beliefs that keep us stuck are easily transmutable, and then we can change who and how we are in the world more easily than we ever thought, and life begins to unfold more in line with our conscious desires.
next time: I know what I want, why do I keep getting this instead?
Tap On
For more information about tapping and to download the manual and learn it on your own go to: (or) (or)
Penny Hill, LMT, Certified EFT Practitioner
Oregon Massage License #4527
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