Saturday, June 4, 2016

In the Beginning

    I haven't  defined EFT yet have I?  Most simply put it is a stress relief tool, effective and easily learned. It combines a technique from psychology, exposure therapy, and tapping on acupuncture meridians.  By combining these two actions, troubling emotions and memories (which may be being stored in the body as pain) can be reprocessed and dispersed.  This has many benefits and is usually permanent. The applications are almost endless.  As this blog goes on this is what I will be writing about but I think it's important to lay the foundation of where this work comes from.  It's pedigree if you will 
     Last time I outlined some of the major developments in the psychological field that  were foundational in the development of EFT.  Building on that work the next wave of development of  what would become EFT combined manual muscle testing with tapping on acupuncture points,and exposure therapy.  Additionally included is a recognition of and a  way to treat  what is called psychological reversal (in EFT parlance we call it the 'upside of the downside'.) The last in the list of developers is psychologist  Roger Callahan who developed his system which he called Thought Field Therapy.  While effective it was complex and hard to implement.
     This brings us back around to Gary Craig who was a student of Callahan's. Gary  refined and simplified the process, making it easy for anyone to learn and do the process.  Gary was a master NLP practitioner, and included some very effective bits from there.  There are some inclusions from EMDR as well.
     It is very safe to use on your own, and indeed while working with a practitioner is very useful, you can use the protocol to very great effect on yourself by yourself. It can be delivered successfully on the phone or by Skype for people who can't travel or would like to work with someone who is not close to them geographically. 
     It is being used to treat PTSD very successfully. Indeed at least two of my mentors work with veterans, happily transforming their lives into a mostly post PTSD  experience, while the mainstream medical community is telling them, as has been believed for always, that there is no hope for remission from PTSD. This was true, but now with EFT that is changing.
     You can download the manual and learn EFT for yourself at  or if you know a warrior who could use some help there is a tapping project geared just for them at:

tapping is brilliant

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