Everyone has had this experience: you remember an old event, could be from yesterday, last week or twenty years ago, and you feel a physical response to that memory. It could be a constriction in your stomach, a clenching jaw, a heaviness on your heart or any number of sensations associated with it. It could be a sudden surge of joy as well, or a warm feeling of safety or inclusion.
Where are our memories stored? You might have assumed that they are in the brain somewhere. In truth, no one is really sure. But the developing theories that research is pointing to is that memory is stored in all our senses. Or more precisely, when a memory is stored it includes 'aspects' that come from all the senses. When recalling an old memory how many times have you said something like "I can still smell the roses," or "I can still hear the screeching of the brakes" ? This old event is still being held in your senses as if it's happening now. If it is a lovely memory that is fine, but if it's a traumatic one, not so much. These sensory bits of memory are dragging down our energy, but are also clues to tell us that we have unresolved bits of 'emotional baggage' weighing us down.
When we have a troubling memory and we experience physical feelings associated with it we can think of it as parts of our neurology stuck in the memory. Like having our scarf caught in the door, we're mostly out but not able to walk away. This is one of the main uses of EFT, to get our biology unstuck so we can live the biggest most successful lives we can.
Life is full of small and large traumas. The hallmarks of trauma are that:
it is unexpected and sudden (we were startled)
it threatens our lives or identity
is overwhelming ( we haven't the resources to handle it)
we feel isolated (we feel alone and helpless)
Given these parameters you can see that certainly something like a car accident or assault could fall into that category, but so too does the 2 year old experiencing an angry mom for the first time. Even an infant's nervous system can record experiences. So well before you have the ability to form memories, you're body is sorting out 'safe' and 'not safe' in an effort to maximize your survival. The tools EFT uses to get the 'stuck' places 'unstuck' is to follow the trail your body has left as clues that there is unresolved emotional energy. These can be patterns of recurring or chronic pain in the body. They can also show up as recurring themes in our lives: nothing ever works out for me, I can never get a good job, all my bosses have been incompetent but I never get a promotion. You get the picture? Do you have a pattern that could use some improving? Are you trying to achieve a goal but can't ever get going? These are symptoms of a load of unresolved emotional energy holding you back.
What EFT is so brilliant at doing is getting our scarf unstuck from the door so we can move on and be our wonderful, brilliant, loving, healthy, whole, light filled selves in the world.
Tap On
For more information about tapping and to download the manual and learn it on your own go to:
www.EFTUniverse.com (or)
www.Emofree.com. (or)
Penny Hill, LMT
Oregon license #4527
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