Friday, January 11, 2019

A New You in the New Year? Why I think there is a Better Goal

There is nothing wrong with you!

You don't need a new you.  The current you is a divine, loving, kind, beautiful being.  All that needs changing is the filter through which you see yourself.  People have often mocked those who see the world through "rose colored glasses." As if they were unwarranted in their rosy outlook. I submit that those are the enlightened ones. Those who see this world through the lens of love - see love. The Masters say that  Heaven is here on Earth.  What?  How can that be?   Those who see  through a filter of fear, see lack; a filter of anger sees danger.    In tapping what we're doing is removing the mud from your glasses so you can see the world through a different lens.  You can see yourself through a  clearer lens.  Then your light shines through  more clearly and your life is brighter and freer.

What would life be like if we eliminated the ideas that you were 
"not enough," that 
"I can't have that," or
"I'll never heal from this,"  
"that's just how I am," that 
"it's too dangerous to speak up"?  

Hmm.  What are the ways in which  you never even questioned the idea of who you are? Who you were really born to be, before the world taught you to be less, to hide, to not stand out?

To illustrate, finish this sentence, 'It's a truth that I am..........."                                                                 What popped into your mind?  Did you feel/think any of these...?

  • I am fearful
  • I can't talk in public
  • I am easily intimidated
  • I am generous
  • I am kind
  • I am fat
  • I am sick
  • I am never going to amount to anything
  • I'll never be out of debt           

With tapping not only can we change the negative filter, we can transmute it to a positive one.  What would life look and feel like if any of these were the filter you saw yourself through, you're "go to" point of view....?

  • I AM strong and confident
  • I CAN do that
  • I AM enough and I've always been enough
  • I AM calm even when others are not
  • Negativity just washes over and away from me
  • I AM happy with my body
  • I AM healthy and prosperous


Do you want to have a healthier happier life?  Well, you can.  Tapping is a great tool for that.  If you want to change how you are experiencing your life, contact me and we'll see if tapping is the right solution for you. 

To get started email me at:   and we'll set up a time to have a short chat.

until then,
keep tapping, it changes everything!

           (You can also  go to my website  and sign up for my free video series 

                                                      3 Steps to Start Releasing Stress