Friday, July 8, 2016

Our Brilliant and Pliant Brains

Greetings everyone, you do know that you are smart and getting smarter all the time, right? I subscribe to a wonderful weekly newsletter  The latest issue (7/8/16) reiterates clinical findings that show that what we believe is paramount to our success.

I'll take a direct quote from the newsletter here, "Research lead by Hans Schroder and published in the journal Biological Psychology, has found that telling people that ‘effort trumps genetics’ causes instant changes in the brain that motivate people towards success."

The gist of the study is that people who were given material that said intelligence is fixed performed differently on tests than people who were told that  intelligence can improve.  The first group were more outcome oriented and remain stuck at the same level of performance.  The second group were more task oriented and learned from their mistakes, improving performance over sequential trials.

This was just for the conscious mind. Now lets add in the subconscious programming. If you were raised  in an environment that reinforced for you a particular identity, i.e., you're not good enough, nothing ever works out for me, who do you think you are, 'our people' never go to college, (and the list goes on and on) then you need a new paradigm to change your life.  

Have you ever watched a friend date the same bad partner (in different forms) over and over.  Has it been clear to you that they repeatedly pick partners who lie, cheat, and steal from them and treat them badly, leaving you scratching your head wondering why they don't see it or if they do why they can't change it.  

Maybe that friend was you once (I went through that phase.)

Enter tapping.  You need a way to re-write the operating system.  If your operating system says, "I'm not worthy of love" do you think you'll be attracting a line of loving, generous, kind partners?  Probably not.  This is what tapping is brilliant at: rewriting the operating script so you're conscious desires, love and peace at home, line up with your beliefs, I'm worthy of love.

Now you're manifesting the loving relationships you've been desiring.  


Tap On

For more information about tapping and to download the manual and learn it on your own go to: (or) (or)

Penny Hill, LMT, Certified EFT Practitioner
Oregon Massage License #4527

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