In one of my first posts I explained Hebb's Law. The idea that 'neurons that fire together, wire together.' In practical terms, what does that mean? Here's an example from my own life.
Those of you who know me probably know that my health has been, let's say, a project, for quite some time. With regular tapping I've seen steady improvements. Fatigue continues to be an occasional challenge though. As I was working the other day, at something that did not require my conscious thoughts, I realized that my mind was repeating some version of the phrase "I'm just too tired, I really am." These thoughts were not directed at any particular activity I had planned that I was worried about, my brain was going about it's business reinforcing a belief I have.
The actual truth is that my energy is much improved in general. Sometimes it slips back, or I'm easily overwhelmed. But this is improving all the time. Because change is scary, and staying in a well worn groove is so much easier, my brain was busy rebuilding the old wiring that says I'm too tired.
Well, when I realized that was going on, I put a stop to it. I consciously began to repeat the opposite of that statement: I do have enough energy to do what I need to do. The awesome thing that happened is I felt more energized. Not in some mythical future, but right then and there!
When I stopped being so darn committed to one truth (and in truth there was quite a bit of emotion behind those thoughts) I created space for a new truth to emerge. Mostly transformation takes time, but because I tap regularly I may have developed some neuro-plasticity that allows changes to happen quickly. Akin to stepping from one path to another running along side it. Have I stopped having those thoughts that I am too tired? No, but as soon as I hear them I start to change them, and the more I do that the less power and control those less desirable thoughts have on me, my health and my destiny.
Tap On.
For more information about tapping and to download the manual go to: (or) (or)
Penny Hill, LMT, Certified EFT Practitioner
Oregon Massage License #4527
Just found your wonderful, helpful, and inspiring blog. I can certainly testify as to your gradual, steady improvement toward complete health over the years. And can also vouch for the fact that Tapping is the perfect tool to help. Yay for you!