Friday, May 20, 2016

Post the First

     Hi! I've been thinking for awhile about my blogs.  While I've been focusing on my EFT certification, my massage blog has been set aside.  And while I thought of combining them somehow, in the end it seemed easier to just start anew. So, welcome.

     A good place to start is to make sure your energy is flowing and in the right directions. A commonality I've seen in Reiki and Body Talk  is getting the energies to cross the mid-line of the body.  Donna Eden is one of the Founders of Energy Medicine and she reports that this is one of the most prevalent energy interventions she and her trained practitioners do.

     It's as easy as walking. With a slight exaggeration, march in place and swing the arms from side to side, lift the right arm and left leg, then doing the opposite. Breathe in through the nose, out through the mouth. this is called the Cross Crawl.  And come to think of it, that may be why MD's encourage walking so much; without knowing the energy component, they still  recommend it as the single most effective health supporting activity.  A short video of the Cross Crawl can be found here, The actual demonstration is at about 3:10 minutes in.

     If you are tired by this, it is an indication that you are "homolateral' and need to retrain your  energy flows.  For years I wondered why walking even short distances exhausted me!  So now I've begun to retrain my energy flows.  For people who are chronically ill it is most important to do this, and with this  additional move, as chronic health problems are an indication that the energies of the body are not crossing the mid-line.

     To do that, you do this variation:  I've never seen this done with the slapping on the side of the leg, but as she says you can just march in place. The point is to do movements one side only, then crossing  over  continuing to alternate rounds for several minutes, finishing with a couple of rounds that are both cross over rounds.

For more information about tapping and to download the manual and learn it on your own go to: (or) (or)

Keep tapping, and try it on everything! 

Oregon LMT #4527

1 comment:

  1. Yay, Penny. Yours will be a welcome addition to the Blogging world. A wonderfully enlightening and hopefully healing addition.
